Sunday, February 22, 2009

"Jackie, I don't think we are in Chicago anymore."

Today, before heading home, I met Jackie for a little shopping and good times in Benton Harbor. It's funny that we live about 20 minutes away from each other here in Illinois yet we hang out in Michigan. Well, we hang out here too, but not too often. I didn't even know she was in Michigan until she sent me a text about the theater that we used to work at together several years ago.

So anyway, I'd like to share a few memorable quotes from the day.
"I'm not a duck!"
Me talking about some really ugly shoes: "Ooooh! How about these!"
Jackie: "I want shoes with a heal"
Me: "Just glue some on."
"Maybe I'm just stupid"
and of course "Jackie, I don't think we are Chicago anymore."

So now for the picture today.

It says "Will you marry me?" This is the packet of hot sauce Jackie had with lunch today. I thought it was a little ironic because last night I had a dream that Rob proposed. Then while we were at Target we were looking through the dollar spot and they had a ton of for dummies books. I found one that was Weddings for Dummies. So when Jackie showed me her packet of hot sauce, I started thinking that maybe these were signs.
