Saturday, January 7, 2012
In order to simplify things I decided to merge accounts. In order to do that, I had to create a whole new blog complete with new blog address. So if you would like to stay up to date (har har, not that I blog much at the moment) you can now find this blog at:
Sunday, July 24, 2011
I've been a bad photographer/blogger
First I got behind on posting my pictures and now I'm behind on taking them. I haven't even touched my camera in days! It's sad really. Anyway, I am joining a 20 week photo challenge. It's only 1 picture a week so lets hope I can do this! Hopefully I will pick up some followers along the way. Followers who actually read/comment on my blog. That will help me keep up! And I still plan on posting pictures from my weekend in Chicago including the one taken on the photo safari. Plus I know I still need to post pictures from the wedding. It's been over two months. But to be fair, I have yet to receive a disc with my photos. Right now I have the ones that were taken with my camera and a few of the ones my cousin/photographer took.
On another note, I am planning a photo shoot with the kids I nanny. Actually it will probably be a series of photo shoots. I then plan to make a photo book out of those pictures and give it to the parents for Christmas. I did something similar last year except the pictures were of all the things we did over the summer. This time I'd like it to focus more on the kids and photography. I also want to offer to do a family photo shoot for them. I haven't decided if I want that to be part of the Christmas present or if I want to offer it now and hopefully do it while the weather is still nice or this fall with all the pretty fall colors and leaves. I'm torn really. I also think that if I offer it now or before Christmas, maybe it would take away from the idea for their Christmas present. Anyway, I have been getting lots of ideas from local photographers websites and also the photography section on Pinterest. By the way, if anyone out there is a member of pinterest, I really want to join!! I need an invite. I click on the request invite button, enter my e-mail and nothing! I'm not sure how it works so I would love some help!!
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Day 10 6/28/11
Day 9 6/27/11
This picture I took because that bottle was my life for three days. The morning before I woke up and my ear was plugged up and I could hardly hear out of it. I assumed it was just build up so I was using this stuff to help loosen it up. It must have helped because finally on the fourth morning, it unplugged after I took a shower. No, I didn't go that long without a shower, it just took me that long to try and unplug it after a warm shower. Anyway, lesson learned, they are not lying to you when they tell you not to insert a q-tip all the way in your ear. It really will just push everything in deeper. It took a while, but it finally caught up to me.
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Bad bad bad!
Okay so obviously I did not get up to date like I said I would. If it helps, I didn't update my other blog either and that one is further behind! And has more followers! Anyway, I plan on updating throughout the week. I know I won't get to it next weekend as that will be one busy, fun filled weekend!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Saturday, July 2, 2011
I'm still here
I didn't give up. I have pictures for each day I just need to find the time to sit and post each day. I should have time tomorrow despite the fact that it is my birthday. I will have several hours all to myself. And since the apartment is getting cleaned today, I shouldn't have to do that. However, I still haven't wrote my thank you cards for the wedding yet. That also needs to be done this weekend. Which also reminds me that I wanted to post pictures of the wedding in case anyone who is not a facebook friend reads this blog. Also, today's picture will be a yummy one. I haven't taken the picture yet but I know what it is going to be. But first I must get my butt into the kitchen!